Power of Social Media & TripAdvisor
Social Media NewsOnes business is no longer ones castle…
Some business owners regard their peace of mind, as more important, than the opinions of their customers. Especially difficult ones or those out to reduce their bill, by complaining.
Wrongly or rightly, they are in business to enjoy the experience their way and revenue comes second.
Especially when set in their ways, over decades of service and tradition.
In the past, it was easier for them to turn away or decide not to placate customers and hear little more about it.
Now-a-days, most people that experience their product or service can voice their opinions loudly on social media. And there isn’t always a likelihood, that unfair reviews will been seen as such. Especially if the overall feedback is bad.
In places where the general level of satisfaction is great, it can help sell a business to locals and a location to visitors. But where many complaints occur, across the board, the best it can do is help the best businesses stand out from the rest.
Tripadvisor is definitely a strong reviews resource, as is Facebook, in getting the ‘low down’ on a firm. In fact, there may be a time when the word of past experiences become the only way to be sure of the truth. Real opinions cannot be hidden and alternative conversations are becoming hard to falsify.
It works for Google, in choosing where to place websites in their results and has made it hard for companies to pretend to be more than they are. When optimising or marketing their sites for search engines,
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